Help Out Ralph Steadman!

Just came across this on Ralph’s website and as there are many UK Gonzo fans out there I thought I’d pass this on as it looks like Ralph has had no luck tracking down his letter.

From Ralph:

Last night I did a Q&A session at the Tricycle Theatre in Kilburn after a showing of GONZO. The Life and Times of Hunter S. Thompson. I read a FAX letter that Hunter had sent to me dated December 25th, 1988. It was hand -written and started: Merry Christmas! HO! HO! HO! 
and then the letter.  It was six(6) pages long  and it was my only copy.

Somebody accidentally picked it up and nobody can find it at the theatre.  I would very much appreciate its return and have a Merry Christmas. HO! HO! HO!! Please contact 

  Many thanks….

Ralph STEADman

Someone out there might know where this is so any information welcome. Feel free to email the above address or if you want email us here at and we can pass on the message to Ralph.



2 thoughts on “Help Out Ralph Steadman!

  1. I reckon some fan has had that away. They probably didn’t realise it was the original and pinched it for their collection. Happens all the time – setlists, dressing room signs, you name it – enthusiasts will grab it.

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